Ice Cream Town Read online

Page 13

  “No!” Sammy and Max shouted together.

  “Why not?” Herschel asked.

  “Because we don’t steal,” Sammy said firmly.

  Herschel jingled the change in his pocket. “Okay, we can buy some plants.” He turned, waved goodbye, and sprinted up the street.

  Mr. Kempel, Sammy, and Max burst out laughing.

  “Your friend,” said Mr. Kempel, “I should trust him?”

  Sammy thought for a minute. “Probably not. Or, then again, maybe yes.”

  He looked down the street toward the river, where the spires of the bridge poked a hole in the sky. New York might turn out to be the goldene medine after all. He had friends, nickels in his pocket, stickball games, ice cream— and now, a garden to plant. But could he trust Herschel not to get him into any more trouble?

  Turning to Mr. Kempel, Sammy shrugged. “I guess— like my Aunt Tsippi says—that is a Williamsburg Bridge question.”

  At the old man’s puzzled look, Sammy grinned. “We will just have to cross it when we get there.”